Solar farms consist of a series of photovoltaic cells arranged in panels and positioned on the land in a ‘solar array’. In the case of Benger Solar Farm, these cells convert sunlight to electricity, with the generated solar current moving through cables to inverters. Inverters convert the cells’ Direct Current (DC) to usable Alternating Current (AC), which flows to an onsite utility substation and on to the national electricity network via Benalla’s existing high voltage powerlines. The 1m wide by 2m high solar panels used at Benger Solar Farm will be attached to a structure that tracks the sun as it moves across the sky from east to west, maximising sun exposure and power production. Raised approximately 2m above the ground, the panels will be between 2 to 4m high, with maximum height reached early and late in the day, when the panels are tilted to capture the sun at its lowest. To avoid shading and enable access, the tracking systems will be spaced 8 to 10m apart. Benger Solar Farm will have:
  • Inverters to convert electricity generated from the solar panels from DC to AC
  • Internal fire breaks that double as tracks for maintenance vehicles
  • Chain mesh steel fences and motion sensor CCTVs for security safety reasons
  • A substation to convert generated electricity to a suitable voltage level for the network