Concrete will only be required for parts of the substation and battery storage foundation, and possibly for inverter plinths, depending on the final design. The solar panels, which comprise most of the site infrastructure, are mounted on piles that are driven into the ground, thus not requiring concrete.
Group: Construction
How will traffic be managed during the development?
A traffic impact assessment has been undertaken and will be submitted to the Harvey Shire Council for review and approval as part of the Planning Approval process. This will guide any traffic management plan that might be required later. South Energy will ensure that plans are closely followed, and that any construction is considerate of road users, stakeholders and the community.
How will construction noise, vibration and dust be managed?
During construction, the following measures will be undertaken in order to minimise noise and vibration:
- No scheduled project construction, maintenance and decommissioning activities to occur during night time, Sundays or public holidays unless prior approval has been granted by relevant regulatory body;
- Shut off / throttle down any vehicles or equipment not in use; and
- Where reasonably practicable, utilise latest noise reduction equipment and technology.
During construction, the following measures will be undertaken in order to minimise dust generation:
- Avoid or minimise ground disturbance, soil movement and other dust producing activities;
- Utilise water or wetting agent on any exposed areas, including unpaved roads and lay down areas;
- Utilise wind breaks and slit fencing; and
- Undertake flexible management of speed limits in accordance with road and wind conditions.
When will construction take place?
Construction is proposed to commence in 2021, with completion occurring approximately 12 to 18 months after that. Any works would take place within working hours as permitted by law (generally weekdays from 7AM to 6PM). Should works need to be done on Saturday, Environment Protection Authority Western Australia guidelines will be followed (permitted working hours vary depending on the types of works).